PCAP calculation from EDD export


Import dependencies:

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

import csv
import seaborn

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display, HTML

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

Load data

Here, we will import the CSV downloaded from EDD and process it into desired format.

First, let's define an auxiliary function:

In [2]:
def is_number(s):
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False

Then, we load the data into a data frame:

In [3]:
df = pd.read_csv('PCAP using EDD.csv')
feature_relationships = {'ATOB_ECOLI':'AtoB',

We now replace the EDD standard labels for proteins by more familiar names (i.e. the ones in Alonso-Gutierrez et al):

In [4]:
line_names        = df['Line Name'].unique() 
measurement_types = df['Measurement Type'].unique()
time_points       = [ candidate_point for candidate_point in df.columns.values if is_number(candidate_point)]
feature_names = ['AtoB','HMGS','HMGR','MK','PMK','PMD','idi','GPPS','LS']
target_names  = ['Limonene',]
df = df[['Line Name','Measurement Type'] + time_points]
df = pd.pivot_table(df,values=time_points,index=['Line Name'],columns='Measurement Type',aggfunc=np.sum)
Measurement Type AtoB PMK idi MK Limonene PMD Optical Density LS GPPS HMGR HMGS
Line Name
2X-Hh 0.12800 0.49470 0.99700 0.16860 71.05431 0.83370 4.18000 3.84850 0.37460 0.11930 0.21260
2X-Hl 0.02190 0.34070 1.05160 0.22560 2.46049 1.05400 5.86600 1.47510 0.06050 0.02800 0.04290
2X-Hm 0.06270 0.18990 0.91340 0.10600 52.13119 0.61760 4.40867 2.88990 0.18370 0.08940 0.17210
2X-Lh 0.23350 0.74630 2.33380 0.31960 53.60310 1.74500 4.96467 9.17280 0.25340 0.69980 0.66070
2X-Ll 0.04570 0.46910 1.59950 0.27090 5.98466 1.93670 6.36200 3.06770 0.14230 0.09980 0.12100
2X-Lm 0.17200 0.62130 2.52260 0.30430 56.97134 1.62580 4.87267 8.47490 0.22450 0.43050 0.49440
2X-Mh 0.23840 0.94130 3.18130 0.40100 75.39261 2.19360 4.19200 11.20370 0.29680 0.78160 0.74880
2X-Ml 0.03750 0.38040 1.34830 0.25130 5.17895 1.28880 5.93000 2.38310 0.08530 0.08150 0.08960
2X-Mm 0.22310 0.79010 2.73540 0.37440 101.20540 1.95920 4.31600 9.23380 0.43350 0.51180 0.54090
A-Hh 1.10020 0.94340 1.56370 0.37530 19.50820 1.72360 4.69667 3.45340 0.29480 1.65790 2.59270
A-Hl 0.81460 0.72140 1.79290 0.34880 18.16286 1.81800 5.03733 2.76620 0.15680 1.54670 2.08620
A-Hm 0.94790 0.77480 1.61730 0.34970 19.72107 1.72590 4.81667 3.11190 0.21730 1.69630 2.41780
A-Lh 0.84500 0.43340 0.71430 0.09830 1.65513 0.42150 5.77800 4.26060 2.32960 2.15910 3.35890
A-Ll 1.07510 0.66070 2.04110 0.25540 15.23455 1.63900 4.90733 3.66700 0.14870 3.35860 4.36050
A-Lm 1.07960 0.70080 1.21310 0.19090 2.53969 0.61060 6.11200 5.09240 2.70610 3.59700 3.96710
A-Mh 1.51080 1.39050 1.38890 0.35360 7.98940 1.14070 5.29333 7.03330 4.52670 3.32620 4.47210
A-Ml 1.27920 0.76480 2.05450 0.29860 15.33663 1.84790 4.88600 4.03260 0.47690 3.71690 4.09220
A-Mm 1.48960 1.18100 1.74950 0.35170 9.66957 1.26380 4.95867 6.78340 3.70420 3.97700 5.13260
B-Hh 0.14690 0.24860 0.96500 0.15360 26.46285 0.70320 4.24800 2.08060 0.31470 0.20550 0.30080
B-Hl 0.04320 0.19390 0.73740 0.11270 5.11461 0.68120 3.89067 1.23320 0.10470 0.06540 0.08930
B-Hm 0.12650 0.23900 1.05950 0.12540 21.93264 0.68600 4.03733 2.32900 0.32900 0.17610 0.29280
B-Lh 0.40270 0.31940 1.16970 0.10400 10.68617 0.86850 5.69467 3.27060 0.42410 1.31510 1.35710
B-Ll 0.13180 0.38310 1.47700 0.20280 58.53777 0.97210 4.14333 4.08990 0.57810 0.21370 0.26570
B-Lm 0.35500 0.50610 1.06380 0.20060 12.75786 0.90100 6.20333 3.55060 0.28700 0.89670 1.02540
B-Mh 0.61590 0.98160 1.73010 0.32350 31.61376 1.79440 5.21000 5.00710 0.14090 1.44150 1.95050
B-Ml 0.16540 0.44070 1.85270 0.25550 104.53655 1.12900 4.17733 4.53170 0.89220 0.27860 0.37560
B-Mm 0.38230 0.69690 2.13160 0.37200 35.29984 1.59970 5.31867 5.59030 0.55800 0.90780 1.13830
BL-Mh 1.95983 0.78130 2.59550 1.42496 127.99494 4.10495 4.10533 13.59919 1.86762 0.39057 0.65389
BL-Ml 0.24012 0.19050 0.94884 0.38070 6.72018 1.30811 4.46267 2.72406 0.11237 0.05002 0.08503
BL-Mm 1.25540 0.58985 2.29065 1.04860 119.81367 3.19300 4.40000 11.31405 1.63235 0.25975 0.41045

And, finally, we convert the data into a feature matrix and and objective column for use with scikit-learn:

In [5]:
feature_indices = [(time_points[0],feature_name) for feature_name in feature_names]
target_indices  = [(time_points[0],target_name)  for target_name  in target_names]

X = df.as_matrix(columns=feature_indices).tolist()
y = df.as_matrix(columns=target_indices).transpose().tolist()[0]

Plot PCA

First do PCA and transform points for initial experiments first and then transform points for the second experiment using initial transformation:

In [6]:
limonene_pca = PCA(n_components=2)
transformed_points = limonene_pca.fit_transform(X[0:27])
new_transformed_points = limonene_pca.transform(X[27:])

We then invert the x axis so it looks like the original figure instead of a specular image of it:

In [7]:
transformed_x = [-1*point[0] for point in transformed_points]
transformed_y = [point[1] for point in transformed_points]

new_transformed_x = [-1*point[0] for point in new_transformed_points]
new_transformed_y = [point[1] for point in new_transformed_points]

Plot first and second components (first experiment in blue, second experiment in red):

In [8]:
y_scaled = [item/max(y)*400 for item in y]

which is Fig. 4 in Alonso-Gutierrez et al.


Alonso-Gutierrez, Jorge, et al. "Principal component analysis of proteomics (PCAP) as a tool to direct metabolic engineering." Metabolic engineering 28 (2015): 123-133.