Administration of EDD

Common Maintenance/Development Tasks

Some of these sample commands will only work as written at JBEI, but should serve as useful examples for common development tasks. Directions assume that Docker containers are already running in the development environment.

Run automated tests

Tests must run with an edd-core image that is built with TARGET=dev. This is the default when manually building, but is not the default for images pushed to Docker Hub. When the entire EDD stack is up and running, execute the tests with this command:

docker compose exec http

The script is included in the PATH of the container running the http service. The command is instructing the container for that service to start a process for running the test suite and collecting the results.

Test email configuration

Use the Django management command sendtestemail (docs) with this:

docker compose exec http /code/ sendtestemail [email protected]

Similar to running the test suite, this command instructs the container for the http service to start a process. Here, we’re using Django’s management framework to use functionality provided by Django.

Create an unprivileged test account

Use the Django management command edd_create_user, which is based on the createsuperuser (docs) command. Instead of making a superuser, it creates an unprivledged user, and auto-verifies that user’s email address.

docker compose exec http /code/ edd_create_user

Dump and Restore database contents

Create a database dump and save it to a file using pg_dump. The command below connects to the postgres server at (-h), and the database edd (-d), with the user/role jane (-U), and saves output to the file dump.sql (-f).

pg_dump -h -d edd -U jane -f dump.sql

Postgres as a Container

If running with a Postgres container in your EDD stack, instead of an external database server, this dump file can be used to initialize the database. This should only be used for development.

    POSTGRES_DB: edd
    POSTGRES_USER: edduser
  image: library/postgres:14
  - backnet
  - /path/to/dump.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/000_dump.sql

Rebuild Solr indices

Use the Django management command edd_index. Pass in the --force flag to run a full re-index even if it appears each index contains the correct data.

docker compose exec http /code/ edd_index

Upgrading EDD

The simplest way to update EDD is to pull the newest image, then run docker compose up -d. This will re-create containers using the new image.